Google’s New Logo, App Interstitials – #ThisWeekInSEO

This week in SEO Google Updates

Shawn Netelixir

This week, August 30 – September 5, 2015, was a huge week in the world of Google. On September 1, Google unveiled a completely new logo and brand identity, which was one of the biggest changes they’ve made to their branding in the past 17 years. Google also declared war this week on giant app interstitials, and mobile sites using them will soon find their mobile rankings hurt if they don’t remove them.

Find out about these big Google changes and everything else you need to know that happened #ThisWeekInSEO in our weekly video, led by our Global SEO Head, Shawn Swaim! 

Watch this week’s video and find out:

  • What’s new with Google’s branding and logo
  • Why Google made these changes in the first place
  • How your site might be affected if you’re using giant mobile app ads

If you want to learn more about SEO or how to protect your site from poor mobile rankings, request your free SEO Analysis with one of our SEO experts today!

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