Facebook’s Latest Updates: What You Need To Know

facebook latest updates

Facebook advertising can be time-consuming and difficult to achieve results. However,  with the right targeting options and resources, Facebook advertising can be a valuable addition to your digital marketing strategy.

Facebook’s recent advertising updates are exciting for all advertisers, especially those with a tight timeframe and limited resources. These new updates can help advertisers reuse existing assets to create engaging content, while reaching their best customers across various platforms.  

What are our thoughts on these updates?

These new updates will help digital marketers succeed on Facebook. As the use of social media continues to expand, many brands are starting to increase their social media budget. These new updates present an opportunity for driving awareness to businesses, leading to an increase in sales. Facebook wants to position its platform as another form of advertising.

What were the updates?

  • Messenger ads are going global
  • New Facebook tools to get more value from campaigns
  • Canvas easy-to-use templates

What do these features include?

The new updates allow Facebook advertisers to reach their customers across more platforms with simple and straightforward templates and tools that make the process a less time-consuming, which we can all agree is a win-win for every busy digital marketer.

Facebook introduced two new tools that focus on helping users drive value. Facebook’s Value Optimization Tool allows you to optimize ad campaigns based on purchase value data passed through the Facebook pixel. This tool is basically an upgraded customer list. How can anyone pass up an opportunity to reach their best customers?

Not only is Facebook adding in a way to reach your best customers, but they also added a tool called The Value-Based Lookalike audience enhancement where Facebook will find people similar to your best customer.  These two options will prove very powerful for advertisers.


Facebook is also expanding the ways marketers can reach people by creating Global Messenger Ads. This new inclusion is very clever since these ads are almost guaranteed to be seen, as opposed to the in-stream ads that people can easily scroll through.

Canvas Easy-To-Use Templates are an upgrade to the original canvas. These new pre-built templates are an uncomplicated, effective way to enable discovery, and purchases in a visual and immersive way. These templates are perfect for brand awareness, acquisition, and selling products. The major upgrade is Facebook allows you to reuse assets you already have, and crop images to fit the template.

Interested in improving your overall online presence on Facebook or even Instagram and Twitter? Now is the best time to invest in social, especially as the holiday season begins to approach. Get a free quote now!

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